A Datacap IPTran LT empowers your SAM4s cash register to begin accepting EMV chipped cards which saves your business from those nasty EMV liability charge backs. And as if that were not enough how about the fact your will also be able to accept Food Stamps (EBT), Gift Cards, NFC, Apple Pay and Android Pay.
When you deploy the IPTran LT you give yourself a world of choices of some of the best EMV devices on the market today. Let's not forget SAM4s and Datacap also never lock you into a merchant processor because you can select your own merchant processor and the Datacap IPTran LT works with every major processor in North America. If you have questions please give us a call at 800-863-2274
Curent list of processors using the IPTran LT Interface
Partial list of all the EMV Pin Pads already certified with the Datacap IPTran LT Interface
List of Gift Card Networks Supported by the Datacap IPTran LT