The Datacap Tran Server also allows your SAM4s cash register to accept EMV chipped cards keeping your business from automatic EMV liability charge backs as well as accepting EBT, Gift, NFC, Apple Pay, Android Pay and even more.
Using the Tran Server you have a large choice of EMV devices to select from depending on your processor. And speaking of merchant processors the Datacap Tran Server is compatible with every major processor in North America. You really have no reason not to upgrade ypour system when you look at all the benefits and options SAM4s and Datacap can deliver you. If you have questions please give us a call at 800-863-2274
Curent list of processors using the Tran Server
Partial list of all the EMV Pin Pads already certified with the Datacap Tran Server
List of Gift Card Networks Supported by the Datacap Tran Server