This bundle includes your choice of hardware (SAP-630R or SAP-6600II) with a credit card terminal and a bar code scanner making it a complete retail system. This bundle includes merchant services with flat rate processing of only 2.49% and $0.10 per transaction.
This system gets you up and running quickly because we will supply you with a FREE 25K UPC database and an easy method for you to customize your prices. Before shipping your new system to you we will custom program the system for your needs and after your new system arrives, we will provide one on one training via remote log in and phone. We will keep you up and running with a three-year advance exchange warranty.
This bundle is for the busy retail store that requires something fast and easy to use. Many of our existing customers love the fact this system is not cloud based and your sales data stays right in your store on this equipment.
This could be the last system you ever need to buy because after three years if you renew with us we will provide you with all new hardware, if not the equipment is yours (after the 36 month term is completed).
Give us a call at 800-863-2274 and ask for sales so we can discuss the details and let you decide if this deal if for you or not. You have questions and we have the answers.