SAM4s SAP-6600II Touch Screen powered by SAM4pos for Retail


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This system can operate with a card brand compliant Surcharge or Dual Pricing merchant services program, ask us how at 800-863-2274

Product Description

The SAP-6600II with SAM4pos is the perfect solution for retail stores

Are you looking for a robust system for bar code scanning that is easy to operate and maintain? Using the SAP-6600II Touch Terminal powered with the SAM4pos Point of Sale Application is a very popular system for all types of retail stores

The SAP-6600II is perfect for retail stores like convenience stores, smoke shops, liquor stores, corner markets, butcher shops, variety stores, general merchandise, and more. What many of our customers really appreciate is the fact this is not a cloud based system, no internet connection is required for it to operate. Users also love the fact that you buy and own this system rather than only rentals like so many other systems.

Credit card interface is also optional and unlike other systems with the SAP-6600II you can use any credit card processor you would like to or none at all. Same thing for Gift Cards, this system when equipped with the Datacap credit card interface processes credit cards and gift cards, but it is up to you. This system can also use the popular merchant services programs like Surcharge and Dual Pricing that can greatly reduce your merchant services fees.

Use the Optional SAM4pos Tablet for real time Bar Code Database Management

SAM4s SAP-Tablet
Add the Tablet to manage your UPC Database anywhere in your store. With the SAM4s Tablet you can add items, change prices and more all from anywhere in your store in real time. You can walk the aisles of your store and add or edit any item and it will be in your system instantly. The Tablet is available with an optional built in bar code scanner. Use the Tablet to Line Bust during your busy seasons, or add a docking station with printer and drawer and use it as a POS station. .

interfaced scale
The optional Interfacing scale allows you to accurately and quickly sell produce or meat Adding an interfaced scale creates a much better method of selling meat, cheese, produce, or bulk items. When the scale in interfaced you can count on charging the right price and doing it quickly.

SAM4s bar code printer
With SAM4pos you can also print bar codes directly from the terminal if you would like Adding the optional printer allows you to print items tags, shelf tags and more directly from the terminal. You will be able to create numerous templates to make bar code printing easier and faster. The printer can print one or hundreds of labels with ease. the printer is very compact so you can keep it almost anywhere.

Scan Data
SAM4pos interfaces to the Tobacco Scan Data Rebate Program via Bandyworks. You will be able to offer all the tobacco manufacture rebate programs from Altria, RJR, and ITG. This includes Multi Pack/Can Discounts, Scan Data Rebates, and the Loyalty program. Bring your customers back to your store more often. Scan Data users often report higher sales and profits because of the increase in traffic.

The SAP-6600II powered by SAM4pos is a full featured system not only has option like those listed above, check out the following value added add-ons to enhance your system like the following:

  • Text Insertion with security system
  • Interface with Scanner/Scale Combo
  • Optional Back Office Software
  • Coin Changer Interface
  • Mobile Reporting Application

Please contact us to set up a FREE no obligation online demonstration or call us with your questions. Our experts can answer any questions you may have regarding the SAM4s SAP-6600 operating the SAM4pos Application. You can reach us at 1-800-863-2274 or use our Online Chat feature during our office hours.

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